Sunday, January 8, 2012

Project #1: Sheet music confetti hearts

Do you know how many paper hearts it takes to fill up a jar.....?
I am not exaggerating here people...thousands.
My idea is to use tiny hearts cut out of sheet music as confetti to throw and the bride and groom instead of rice or bubbles. And since Richard is a musician the sheet music makes complete sense :) Conceptually this idea seemed easy- take my overabundance of sheet music, plug in my Cricut and put that little baby to work. Realistically I didn't take into consideration the amount of tiny hearts it takes to fill up a jar....not to mention 3 or 4 jars! So after a day and a half of actually working on this project I'm still about 1/4 away from completing my first jar.

So here we have our first [almost complete] jar of heart confetti!

We're using 2 different heart shapes in various sizes: 1/2inch, 3/4in, 1in, & 1 1/2in.
Once ALL of the hearts are done we will be making little burlap satchels and putting a handful in each so that guests can shower us with love [get funny!!!!!! ] 

I'll keep you up to date with the progress.
Project #2: Yarn Balloon Balls is already underway!! Pics to come!

The future Mrs. Carey.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

And the countdown begins.

Holy hell. Its 2012. IM GETTING MARRIED THIS YEAR!!!
I'm getting married in 135 be exact. That means that I've got A LOT of work to do.
There are cake pedestals to be made, mustache straws to be assembled,  and a dress to find.
Tackling wedding project #1tonight! Stay tuned!!!

The future Mrs. Carey.